Saturday, 20 November 2010

How To Use Two Operating Systems Using Vmware Player

I ve got many emails that how to use two os's simultaneously using vmware.
Download Vmware Player over the internet or download vmware by searching in google.
After installing the vmware just open your vmware player.

1. Click on "Create a New Virtual Machine "

2. Click on the "Browse" button and locate the path of operating system iso file.

3. Proceed by clicking on "next" button.

4. As i am installing linux , so i clicked on linux tab and specific version of linux, i.e., Mandriva Linux.
5. Click "Next" for proceeding.

6. Give the Virtual Machine name and proceed to next.

7. Enter the size of guest operating system, i recommend 20 gb. Click on next.

8. Click on finish and the guest os will be installed in Vmware Player.

9. The OS loads in to vmware. The picture represents it.

How To Trace Ip Over The Internet

Hey people after a long and long search by googling i just got a good piece of a software where every body can trace a ip addresses over a internet. The Software is NEO TRACE PROFESSIONAL.
Its easy to download that software over the internet.

1.Type a target domain name or ip-address and click on Go.
2. It scans the entire servers,server location and entire information.

3. It also shows the locations of server located.

Just download it from torrents, to download you must have Bit Torrent Client.